Our Departments

Dental implants

An effective way to replace missing teeth. It is designed in a way that is compatible with other teeth in the mouth. Dental implants are distinguished by the fact that they are not subject to decay and do not affect adjacent teeth as in the case of fixed bridges. It is preferable for dental implants to be performed by a specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery to obtain the best results.

Saudi Dent Services Services Services

Root canal treatment

Through root canal treatment, it is possible to save a damaged tooth. If the damaged or inflamed pulp is not extracted, the tooth and surrounding tissues become infected. Without treatment, it becomes necessary to extract your tooth in the end, but if the problem is discovered early, your dentist may be able to save your tooth by treating the roots and nerves of the tooth.

Saudi Dent Services Services Services


Replacing missing teeth with replacement teeth to restore the correct chewing process and maintain the distance between the extracted teeth to avoid malocclusion and restore the aesthetic shape of the mouth.

Saudi Dent Services Services Services

Gum and dental surgery

Gum disease or gum infections is one of the most common problems that adults are exposed to, and it ranges from simple to serious infections. Gum infections affect the soft tissues and bones in the teeth. Treating gum infections is one of the things that the affected person should not neglect so as not to cause tooth loss in advanced cases.

Saudi Dent Services Services Services


Orthodontics prevents problems of the mouth, teeth, and jaw, such as crowded or tangled teeth, or problems with jaw growth and tooth development, as it treats them using retainer supports and other means determined by the doctor to help adjust the person’s teeth and correct the way they are aligned in the jaw.

Saudi Dent Services Services Services

Hollywood smile

They are very thin veneers that are manufactured specifically for each individual, and then placed on the front side of the tooth with the aim of improving its shape and permanently increasing its whiteness, thus improving the general appearance of the person. These veneers work to change the color, shape, size, and even length of the teeth in accordance with the shape of the jaw and mouth. It also reflects the nature of the tooth very closely, resembling a natural smile, not artificial

Saudi Dent Services Services Services

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